Hi! I’m Guillaume. I’m an artist at heart 🖍️ and creative by trade 🃏. I live in Montréal, Canada 🎡 with my ragdoll cat 🦁 Léo.


I consider my aesthetic to be a love triangle between luxury 💎, street 🧷, and camp 🍩. The best part about my job is to make cool stuff with cool brands.

I live on a tiny island just next to Montreal.

I live on a tiny island just next to Montreal.

My home is my moodboard

My home is my moodboard

D.I.Y iPad case

I love to collage stuff together



I’m currently the Creative Director of DavidsTea 🍒 but I’m always open 🌈 for fun projects to fill my free time. Get in touch if you would like to collaborate:


Email moi 🖋️

❤️‍🔥 DM moi


See recent projects: